Press release: 6 July, 2021: For your overall health and well-being It is vital to keep the weight of a healthy one. It can reduce the chance of getting heart disease or diabetes. But did you know it also eases the pain of arthritis and helps your medicines work better?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The CDC estimates that 72 percent of Americans are obese or overweight. The agency also reports that 23 percent of overweight and 31 percent obese Americans suffer from arthritis that is diagnosed by a doctor. This means that a lot of people would feel better if dropped some weight. It's easy to shed weight by simply taking abnehmtropfen.
Here are some methods of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can help ease your arthritis.
Reduce the pressure on your joints
A major study that was published in Arthritis & Rheumatism of overweight and obese adults with knee osteoarthritis (OA) discovered that losing a pound of weight resulted in four pounds of pressure removed from the knees. This means that a loss of 10 pounds could relieve 40 pounds of stress on knees.
Help ease pain
Numerous studies have shown that losing weight results in arthritis pain relief. A study published in Arthritis Care and Research went further and found that losing weight to an extent results in greater pain relief. The study of obese and overweight elderly people suffering due to knee OA observed that weight loss with greater intensity resulted in more positive outcomes than losing a lesser amount of weight. A 10-20% loss of weight can reduce performance, pain, quality of life, and the quality of your life than only five percent.
Reduce inflammation
Fat is a living tissue which creates and releases proinflammatory chemical. If you can reduce the amount of fat stored in your body, your body's overall inflammation will reduce. Autoimmunity Review has published an article that explains how obesity can trigger and prolong lower-grade inflammation throughout your body. This inflammation can amplify and aggravate autoimmune disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis Lupus, psoriatic arthritis and their associated comorbidities.
Increase your odds of being cured
Numerous studies have demonstrated that being obese reduces your chance of achieving minimal disease activity or remission when you have RA or PsA. Arthritis Care and Research published a review article that examined the data of more than 3,000 patients with RA. It concluded that patients who were obese were less likely to maintain Remission than patients who were not overweight. Joint, Bone, Spine published a review of several studies that included more than 3800 patient documents. The authors discovered that overweight patients "hampered the effectiveness of anti-TNF agents" and showed that the likelihood of having a favorable response or achieving remission were lower for obese compared to non-obese patients who were taking anti-TNF biologics.
Gout Attacks Gout Attacks: Lower Uric Acid levels A review of 10 studies, which were published in Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, concluded that weight loss was beneficial to overweight or obese patients with gout. In general, those who shed weight were found to have lower serum uric acid levels and fewer gout attacks.
Reduces Cartilage Degeneration in OA. A study published in Radiology assessed magnetic resonance images (MRIs) of osteoarthritic knees in 640 overweight or obese people. The participants who shed weight over 4 years showed significantly less cartilage degeneration. The rate of disease progression is lower in those who have lost more weight.
Losing weight is a difficult task, but if you have a problem with weight, no one action can provide the same positive impact on the body. It not only reduces your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes sleep apnea, certain kinds of cancer, it also helps with arthritis too. Discuss with your doctor the possibility of starting a weight-loss program.
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